RX Check-Up (TM) is a "bumper-to-bumper complete inspection of your entire Pharmacy Operation, and RX Check-Up (TM) is completely customizable. When doing an...
The National Community Pharmacists Association has made it convenient and easy to customize an Employee Manual for your pharmacy operation. The NCPA Employee M...
Many National Pharmacists' Associations and Buying Groups Encourage Independent Pharmacy Owners to be DMEPOS Accredited. In other words, your pharmacy needs NAS...
The rising number of immigrants who speak English as a second language grows daily. These community members are your patients, and this language barrier can le...
Interested in a particular month of America's Pharmacist ? Single Issues are available. Pleases specify Month and Year when you place your order.
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The NCPA Front-End Overhaul: How-To Guide is an illustrated guide that lays out the steps for independent pharmacy owners and their teams to revamp their pharma...
Medicare Part D Plan Sponsors are focusing on Compliance with the Medicare law, as well as, specific CMS regulations related to this benefit. To do this, Plan S...
NCPA’s popular “Front-End Guru” and Senior Director of Store Operations and Marketing, Gabe Trahan, has compiled his favorite tips for your store in this great ...
Junior Partnerships take many forms, but the most general description of this transaction is an arrangement that allows ownership share and management responsib...
Designed to assist you in selling your pharmacy, this guide discusses the many options that are available to help the sale of your pharmacy go as smoothly as po...
Market your med sync program to more patients utilizing Simplify My Meds patient-facing marketing materials. Simplify My Meds is an NCPA member program that ...
COMPLIANCETrack is the pharmacy industry’s only complete online compliance platform that has been specifically designed to ease the process of becoming complian...
NCPA Pharmacists' Guide to Seeking Elective Office is a must read if you are considering running for public office!
The manual prov...
HIPAATrack is an online HIPAA Compliance Program that has everything HIPAA readily accessible in one place.
There is more to selling your Pharmacy than just finding a buyer. PRS is a different kind of brokerage service that helps you every step of the way from feas...