
NASI DMEPOS Accreditation Program
NASI DMEPOS Accreditation Program


Many National Pharmacists' Associations and Buying Groups Encourage Independent Pharmacy Owners to be DMEPOS Accredited. In other words, your pharmacy needs NASI. Even if you qualify for exemption from CMS, that does not exempt you from other payers' requirements. Therefore, in order to bill Medicare, you may still need to meet the CMS Supplier Standards. DMEPOS accreditation through NASI, a PRS Affiliate, keeps you compliant, and as a result, allows you to breeze through a Medicare audit thereby increasing the likelihood you'll receive reimbursement for the claims you submit. Don't take chances with your reimbursements!

NASI DMEPOS Accreditation Program includes:

  • Continually updated policies, procedures and forms to stay compliant with changing Medicare requirements.
  • Access to your Pharmacy Accreditation Specialist throughout the accrediation period for help with any Medicare issues that might arise
  • Ongoing updates on Medicare issues . . . and much more.

Please contact PRS here for pricing. This product can not be ordered through the NCPA website.


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